Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (project leader)
Since 1992, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has been working to provide companies and workers with the resources needed to make possible a more professional, safer, qualified and future-oriented sector.
With this aim, the National Construction Confederation (CNC), CCOO Federation of Construction and Services, and Industry, Construction and Agriculture Federation (UGT-FICA) joined to form this non-for-profit parity organisation.
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción represents a reference body within the construction sector, and a key ally to work for the future of companies and workers with regard to occupational health and safety, training, innovation, sustainability and new technologies.
Tens of thousands of construction workers are annually trained in one of its 45 training centres. The training offer consists of more than 400 training actions, and more than 100 own manuals about different construction subjects. Fundación Laboral works in collaboration with more than 1500 trainers in Spain.
Training is focused on construction activities and is eminently practical and high-quality; Its main aims are to (re)qualify workers and to contribute to their employability and professional development.
Address: C/Rivas, 25, 28025 Madrid (Spain).
Contact email:
Agencia para el Empleo de Madrid del Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Agencia para el Empleo de Madrid del Ayuntamiento de Madrid is an Authorized Placement Agency (nº 1300000002). In coordination with the Public Employment Services, it provides free, specialized and personalized service to unemployed people for their incorporation into the labour market and companies, for the search of personnel.
AE has eight area agencies and a specialized centre of the food sector, which provide users with information, by appointment. The business community can also contact the professionals of the agency, by email or in Area Agencies, by telephone or in person.
The services for unemployed people are: job orientation (with seminars on professional objectives and curriculum, selection processes, job search, IT, etc.), training (with free courses and professional certificate programmes, and mixed training and employment programmes), labour exchange (search for suitable offers for the profile of the candidate enrolled in the job market, and search for qualified professionals for the needs of the company), self-employment (support for self-employment projects through specialized technicians).
The programme is open throughout the year and covers courses in different specialties: from Industry, Construction and Environment to Catering, Tourism or New Information Technologies. Most courses lead to Professional Certificate Programmes, qualifications that officially certifiy professional qualification throughout the national territory.
Address: Communications Palace, C/Montalbán, 1, 28014 Madrid (Spain).
Ente per la Formazione e l’addestramento professionale nell’edilizia (Formedil)
Formedil (Institute for VET in Construction Sector) was created in 1980, promoted by the key associations in the construction sector, signatories of the Collective Agreement (ANCE, Feneal Uil, Filca CISL, CGIL FILLEA), all of them with a parity participation in the management of Formedil.
In Italy, VET for the construction sector is established by a joint national training system regulated by national collective labour agreement for industry, cooperatives, small business, and craftworks.
The main aim of Formedil is the national promotion, application and coordination of training, qualification and updating of the sector workers. These activities are carried out by means of the construction of local schools built according to the need of the local labour market.
Formedil promotes agreements and memoranda of understanding with the public bodies in charge of the issues related to training and education, and participates in national and international projects that support students and trainers from training centres focused on construction.
Address: Via Guattani, 24. 00161 Rome (Italy).
Contact email:
Fondazione ECIPA (Ente Confederale di Istruzione Professionale per l’Artigianato e le Piccole Imprese)-CNA
The CNA works in the field of Vocational and cultural Training of entrepreneurs and employees of companies and SMEs, through its structure called ECIPA Foundation, publicly recognized by the Ministry of Labour, in accordance with L.40/87.
The Foundation contributes to the development and economic promotion of companies and SMEs, through different interventions: studies and research on profiles and professional skills and on the training needs of companies and SMEs; training for entrepreneurs and managers; training for apprentices of companies and SMEs; training for access to professions regulated by national laws; orientation, training, assistance and tutoring for the creation of new companies; orientation and training for the development of equal opportunities; orientation and training for the insertion in the labour market of weak and disadvantaged groups.
ECIPA Foundation is a national network, in a telematic relation with the territorial structures, which share information, knowledge and experiences of the entire Ecipa system. In addition, it is part of a European network, made up of European organizations that operate in their own field of activity, in which they play an active role in carrying out transnational activities.
The Foundation is present throughout the national territory, with a national headquarters and several regional and territorial offices.
Address: Piazza Mariano Armellini 9A. 00162 Rome (Italy).
Contact email:
Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas do Sul (Cenfic)
Cenfic is the Professional Training Centre of the Civil Construction Industry and Public Works of the South, approved through Ordinance No. 492/87, of June 12.
It is an entity endowed with legal personality of public law, non-profit, with administrative and financial autonomy and its own assets.
Founded by an agreement between the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training, the Association of Industrial Building Construction and the Association of Construction Companies, Public Works and Services.
Cenfic is a reference entity in Portugal, within the scope of Vocational Training and professional certification, particularly in the construction sector:
It provides the conditions that make possible the formation in the professions of the business world in the industry, as well as the professional certification, looking for adequate answers to the needs of companies and collaborators.
Address: Avenida Severiano Falcão 2689-516 Prior Velho (Portugal).
Contact email:
Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes eV (BZB)
In the last 35 years, the training and training organization in building Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e.V. (BZB) has become a multifaceted provider of Vocational Training services for the construction industry.
Our services and activities range from internships, professional orientation, training channels and advanced professional development courses to the work of international projects. The BZB is one of the largest training centres of its kind in Germany, with nearly 1,000 apprentices and trainers in three main sites in Krefeld, Wesel and Düsseldorf, as well as a branch in Duisburg.
Our goal is to combine traditional exchanges with the latest in best practices, focusing on quality and service to provide our students with the necessary skills to cope with current and future requirements. We are pioneers in our educational field, consistently adopting proven trends and innovation in our curricula.
All of our efforts work towards a primary objective: to improve our position as a leading provider of training services for the construction industry, with a progressive approach and a proactive attitude.
Address: Auf’m Tetelberg 13. 40221 Düsseldorf (Germany).
Contact email:
Centre IFAPME Liège-Huy-Verviers
Ifapme is a public interest organization subsidized by Wallonia. The letters of the acronym mean: Walloon Institute of Training in Alternation and Independent and Small and Medium Enterprises.
Among its missions, the main objective of Ifapme is to offer training to professions in a wide range of professional sector. This training is organized on the basis of the principle of alternation (courses at the centre and practical training in companies).
- Training of apprentices (from 15 years old).
- Coordination and training (from 18 years old).
- Business training (from 18 years and up).
- Alternative training of job seekers (with Forem and Competency Centres).
In addition, for those who wish to continuously improve their professional skills and constantly adapt to changes in their profession, Ifapme also offers a diversified range of continuing education programmes.
Finally, Ifapme also organizes customized training for people who want to start or start a business.
Address: Rue du Château Massart, 70-4000 Liège (Belgium).
Contact email:
Comité de Concertation et de Coordination de l’Apprentissage du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (CCCA-BTP)
CCCA-BTP (Committee of Consultation and Coordination of Learning of Construction and Public Works) is a professional and joint body, led by the federations of companies (CAPEB Federation FFB SCOP BTP FNTP) and workers (BATI-MAT CFTC, CFE-CGC BTP, FNSCBA-CGT, FGFO, FNCB-CFDT).
Created 70 years ago and managed by business and worker organizations, representative of the construction sector, the CCCA-BTP is a national, professional and equal association, responsible for implementing and coordinating in France the initial Vocational Training policy through apprenticeship in the construction and public works professions. This is defined both by the Law and by the social partners of the organization.
It is closely coordinated with the regional councils, which have experience in learning and which, as such, are a privileged interlocutor of the CCCA-BTP and its network. The application of this initial Vocational Training policy is the subject of close cooperation with the regional councils, which have competence in the field of learning and which, as such, are a privileged interlocutor of CCCA-BTP and its network.
Address: 19 Rue du Père Corentin 75680 Paris Cedex 14 (France).