European project “Women can build”, in Piacenza starts the experimental course Ecobricklaying for women

European project “Women can build”, in Piacenza starts the experimental course Ecobricklaying for women

Within the European project “Women can build” the building school of Piacenza has started the experimental course for women called Ecobricklaying. It is one of the 5 pilot experiences realized in the countries of the partnership, experiential courses to learn how to build a zero energy building (nZeb).

The primary objective of the course is to stimulate interest in the sector, addressing cultural barriers and showing career opportunities and opportunities for women in the construction sector in the field of energy efficiency.

This course format is based on the previous experiences of vocational training centers, such as the “Greenhouse Camps”, realized between 2015 and 2018 by the project partner BZB. The concept has been transferred to other project countries by adding a gender perspective.

Ecobrick laying – green building “how to apply internal and external isolation”, saw an active commitment of 9 unemployed women with workshop practice followed by three trainers.

From this positive experience to be repeated, organizing mixed classes we draw some conclusions: stereotypes are hard to break down but with determination, demonstration and commitment we can succeed. Sometimes it is the same women who do not believe in the possibility of embarking on some jobs that have always been catalogued of the male gender, even trainers need to learn to teach according to gender equality and this is another objective of the project.